Programming languages API (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This page describes how to consume the API following the REST API standard. You need an HTTP client to query the endpoints.
You can use: Postman, Insomnia, Hoppscotch
Or whatever client you are comfortable with.
For each response returned, only thirty items will be inside the body. You will also have metadata that will help you query the following data.
There is a maximum number of calls you can make on every endpoint during a specific interval. In a window of fifteen minutes, you can make one hundred requests on any endpoints.
When sending a request to the API, the information about it is stored to process some analytics. Here are the data stored: the path, the IP address, the response status and the execution time.
For some reason, if you don't want your request to be logged, you can disable it by adding a custom header when sending your request.
- Header name: x-client-origin
- Header value: brwsr
Retrieve languages with pagination
query Parameters
page | integer >= 1 Example: page=5 Page's number of items to retrieve |
search | string non-empty Example: search=java Search items containing this keyword |
author (string) <field1,field2,...,fieldn> Example: fields=id,name,company,authors Select specific fields to return in the response | |
yearGroup | string Example: yearGroup=2000s Name of a year's group |
Response samples
- 200
{- "currentPage": 1,
- "limit": 30,
- "totalItems": 100,
- "totalPages": 4,
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "612103bd20aaf1e4d5e853c0",
- "company": "Oracle",
- "name": "Java",
- "years": [
- 1995
], - "yearConfirmed": true,
- "yearGroup": {
- "id": "612103bb20aaf1e4d5e84bd4",
- "name": "2020s",
- "position": 1
}, - "authors": [
- {
- "id": "612103be20aaf1e4d5e85641",
- "birthDate": "1955-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
- "country": "Canada",
- "name": "Jame Gosling",
], - "predecessors": [
- "612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6, 612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6"
Retrieve all languages
query Parameters
author (string) <field1,field2,...,fieldn> Example: fields=id,name,company,authors Select specific fields to return in the response |
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "612103bd20aaf1e4d5e853c0",
- "company": "Oracle",
- "name": "Java",
- "years": [
- 1995
], - "yearConfirmed": true,
- "yearGroup": {
- "id": "612103bb20aaf1e4d5e84bd4",
- "name": "2020s",
- "position": 1
}, - "authors": [
- {
- "id": "612103be20aaf1e4d5e85641",
- "birthDate": "1955-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
- "country": "Canada",
- "name": "Jame Gosling",
], - "predecessors": [
- "612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6, 612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6"
Retrieve a language
path Parameters
id required | any Example: java ID of the language to retrieve |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
{- "id": "612103bd20aaf1e4d5e853c0",
- "company": "Oracle",
- "name": "Java",
- "years": [
- 1995
], - "yearConfirmed": true,
- "yearGroup": {
- "id": "612103bb20aaf1e4d5e84bd4",
- "name": "2020s",
- "position": 1
}, - "authors": [
- {
- "id": "612103be20aaf1e4d5e85641",
- "birthDate": "1955-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
- "country": "Canada",
- "name": "Jame Gosling",
], - "predecessors": [
- "612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6, 612103bc20aaf1e4d5e84cc6"